Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Found Poem

The dancing stopped

Give him air

Morrie can you talk

Surrounded by loving, caring people

Kissing him goodbye earned you extra credit

So i’m going to die

ALS is like a lit candle

Cannot support yourself standing

The pills increased

Morrie had a better idea

We're Tuesday people

Not everyone is so lucky

I want someone to hear my story

What if today were my last day on earth?

There will be a lot of love passing between us

What will become you?

She talked when her new husband was silent

What will you do?

Here's how my emotions go

Everyone knows they're going to die

1 comment:

  1. Great Found Poem! It really captures the main themes of the novel - letting go, what becomes of you after you die, how to be "okay" about your own death. Nice job!
